the most suitable legal structure

For each case Legisconsulting valuates in a customised way your personal and specific circumstances when creating new business structures or when adapting the existing ones.

Out of the multiple existing business forms we will recommend the business form providing you with the highest level of Security, Efficiency, Profitability and Cost savings
Even when almost any type of enterprise form can be usedsuitable (almost) for any circumstance, only one of the existing possibilities will be the most suitable, efficient and cheapest.

What do you need to take into account when choosing a legal structure?

The activity, the investment, the stakeholders, the objectives, the risks, the commitments and liabilities and all entitlements that each business implicitely bears and even the entrepreneur’s personal situation. Everything has its implications.

Almost every existing business structure in the Spanish legal system may serve any activity.

And the choices of business structures may be almost as varied as the possibilities of the business itself.



This could be the most appropriate business structure in the case of a low risks exposure, a low investment amount, limited liabilities and a low exposure to the personal sphere.


To some companies, not only capital, but also work or a combination of both can be brought in.

These special business structures offer alternative possibilities to those entrepreneurs who can contribute something else than just money or that can bring in only that –in many cases so valuable– ‘something else’.


In principle, the risk in these business structures is limited to the shared capital invested.

The most known of these Structures in the Spanish legal system –but not the only ones– are the Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada and the Sociedad Anónima. Even when, in theory, the liabilities in both cases are limited to the investment in the share capital as such, not all structures do this the same way and nor do they cover the same needs.



Whatever the chosen business structure, there will always be a personal and family involvement of the entrepreneur. Hence there should be a‘personal structure’ adjusted to the ‘business structure’, effectively ensuring the stability, safety and independence of both spheres.


An appropriate design of the different possibilities of interrelationship between all existing environments–entrepreneur, company or companies and the always present personal sphere– is essential for the success, security and profitability of the business.